Friday, May 16, 2008

Juggling in 3D 380: Talk it into existence

We had ten emails about last week's juggling by mid morning on Monday. Seems it struck a chord. We loved the one from a priest who said that a significant learning for him was to read a well known bible verse: I can do all things... including fail... through Christ who strengthens me.

Claire writes: "At awards evening at school last week, a rocket scientist talked about her idea for a self-financing space trip to Mars: Big Brother in Space. It's OK until you come to the evictions! Seriously, though, she has been funded to make a video about the idea and if such a trip becomes scientifically possible, maybe her dream will come true! I kept quiet my idea for a TV remote that would whistle back if you whistled at... and now someone else has brought it into existence.

As long as we keep ideas and dreams in our head, they are likely to come to nothing. At some stage, we need to start talking about them in order to get clarity, challenge, support... and to develop them. At the right time, we need to talk them into existence. That's what gives them life. Last week I did a Career Makeover with someone with a huge dream that he barely dare articulate. Over a couple of house webegan to talk about it and it moved from an intangible place in an unknown future to something that can happen sooner.

Is there something you need to say?"

Love this? Do us a favour and send it to five people. Who thinks like you? You could send it to your work neighbours.
Discuss this week's juggling at
(c) 2008 3D Coaching Ltd

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Coming Up
Managing Faith in the Workplace run by Chartered Management Institute and Three Faiths Network. Come and hear Ram Gidoomal, Tariq Hameed, Sir Trevor Chinn and Claire Pedrick.

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Are you are among the 85% of coaches and consultants who think that supervision is important... but not among the 40% who receive it? Whether you are an internal or independent coach, supervision will transform the art and craft of your coaching. Call Claire on 0845 458 0154 to talk about how we can work with you as you transform your coaching. .

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