Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Juggling in 3D 382: Moving sectors

Pete emailed last week to say he has successfully moved to a new sector and got a job as a school business manager. His business experience was more transferrable because he had been volunteering to be a school governor. He writes

'At our Governor’s Christmas social, I was talking to Sara, a fellow governor, about my situation. She had some very helpful things to say, and offered to give a reference should I think she was an appropriate person. As a retired Senior Education officer – who used to be responsible for all the High Schools in the county, including the one I applied to – as well as an Ofsted Inspector and Education Consultant, it seemed sensible to take her up on her offer. Here are the first two sentences of the reference. “My background and current experience (and former knowledge of your school) enable me to understand the post you offer and the ideal candidate for it. I write in this context.” She then went on to detail, in glowing terms that made me glow, how I was the ideal candidate for the post. (The Head described it as “stunning” - and I agree.) As I drove to the interview, I started to feel more than a little nervous. But then I remembered the words of the reference, and thought “If Sara has such confidence in me, there should be nothing I come across today that I cannot cope with. And so I have no reason to think I am a poor candidate or not up to the job. I can do this!” Sara’s encouragement was incredible, and filled me with so much confidence that inspired me through the whole process.'

Giving and receiving willingly allowed Pete to make the change. Volunteering allowed people with insight to see Pete's skills first hand. And the confidence of knowing that someone in the know believed him to be an excellent candidate gave him the extra inspiration he needed.'
Love this? Do us a favour and send it to five people. Who thinks like you? You could send it to people you volunteer with.

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